50 animals seized from Medina Township Ohio home,
About 50 animals removed from a Medina Township home Thursday morning, and officials believe the owner was possibly operating a cock fighting ring…more
50 animals seized from Medina Township Ohio home,
About 50 animals removed from a Medina Township home Thursday morning, and officials believe the owner was possibly operating a cock fighting ring…more
MARENGO, Ohio - Even as a young girl, all Lynne Petitti ever dreamt of was living with a horse of her own…
Petitti is still living her dream decades later with the Circle P Sanctuary in Morrow County…
Dr. Leah Dorman of the Ohio Farm Bureau said that money is a problem. It costs $2,500 a year to care for a horse and more if they have special needs.
Dorman would rather see a horse respectfully lose its life "than to unnecessarily starve to death."
"Is there anything wrong with a horse processing facility? The answer is no. Unfortunately, we do not have horse processing facilities in the U.S. at this point,"…SEE VIDEO
Ohio has no rules regulating the sale and ownership of exotic animals six months after Gov. John Kasich allowed a ban enacted by his predecessor to expire…
However, new rules governing a wide range of exotic animals and reptiles are being discussed by an eclectic group in closed-door meetings convened by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. The group includes representatives of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Humane Society of the U.S., Knox County prosecutor’s office, Ohio Association of Animal Owners, Ohio Farm Bureau, Ohio Veterinary Medical Association, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and Zoo Association of America…
The Kasich administration closed the working group’s meetings to the public and urged group members not to discuss the proceedings with the news media. However, public meetings will be held in the future, Jones said…more
GREEN CAMP, Ohio - A Marion man was recovering from injuries after he was attacked by a kangaroo on Tuesday night…more