Hi-Q Egg Products has dropped plans to build a 6-million-chicken egg farm in Union County…
The news followed a decision announced yesterday by Ohio Department of Agriculture Director James J. Zehringer to deny the Iowa-based company a permit to build and run the farm near West Mansfield…
…environmental advocates and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency officials feared manure from the farm would pollute a nearby stream…
Hi-Q's attorney, Kevin Braig, said the company won't appeal…
…Environmental groups saw the issue as a test case for Zehringer, who was appointed by Gov. John Kasich in January.
Zehringer owned a 300,000-chicken operation near Fort Recovery in western Ohio until he transferred ownership to a relative in January 2010.
Union County Commissioner Charles Hall said his main concern was that trucks that would go to and from the farm would cause excessive damage to county and township roads…
Vickie Askins, spokeswoman for the Ohio Environmental Stewardship Alliance, said she's concerned that a bill in the Ohio General Assembly would eliminate local governments' ability keep large livestock farms from being built…more