COLUMBUS, Ohio - Ohio Sen. Tim Grendell will leave his post in the Senate to fill a judicial vacancy in Geauga County.
Gov. John Kasich picked Grendell for the job…
… One applicant for the job said he heard rumors that Kasich was under pressure to appoint Grendell because other Republicans in the Senate were tired of dealing with him.
"I heard that not from the governor's office, of course. Certainly that was the rumor mill that went on throughout the state of Ohio," said Ed Ryder, who applied for the judgeship and is the Geauga County GOP chairman. "That doesn't seem like much of way to make an appointment from my standpoint."…
Grendell and Ryder also clashed when Grendell turned down the House seat he won last November. Ryder criticized Grendell for manipulating the election system by running for another office, winning it and then changing his mind, remaining in the Senate…
… Senate Republicans will now have to find a replacement for Grendell, a state lawmaker for the last 11 years…more