Monday, February 21, 2011

$150,000 Budgeted for Deer Management in Solon

In four years managing deer populations with contracted sharpshooters, Solon spent $207,000, $191,000, $75,000 and $99,000more

Friday, February 18, 2011

Investigation of animal shelter continuing this weekend

BETHEL TWP., Clark County — Authorities will likely spend the weekend investigating an animal neglect case here because of the large number of animals — 361 dogs and 15 cats at last count — kept in two old hog barns.

It’s the largest case of its kind that the county has seen, said Clark County Humane Society Director Jim Straley Friday.

The Thursday raid on the property at 8393 Lower Valley Pike is the second shelter raided by authorities in two weeks operated under the One More Chance Adoption name and owned and managed by New Carlisle resident Jeff Burgess…

Mark Kumpf, director of the Montgomery County Animal Resource Center… said it appears the case is one of the largest ever handled by Ohio animal welfare workers.

Kumpf is critical of state animal care law, which he said is inadequate because shelters aren’t required to undergo annual inspections. Private rescue operations, often in residential areas, typically fall only under local zoning codesmore

Thursday, February 10, 2011

No Deer Management Now, But Solon Is Preparing

Mayor Susan Drucker said the cost will be based on how many deer are culled in the first year. Drucker said as many as 300 to 400 deer may be culled in the first year of the program, based on past experience and estimates that the deer population will reach more than 1,000 by the end of the year.

Deer culling is a big issue in Solon with a controversial pastmore

Councilman Russo: Deer Culling 'Misstatements' Won't be Tolerated at Safety Meetings

Solon Councilor Bill Russo on right
Russo also said that during public comment at safety committee meetings, residents will not be allowed to raise the issue of deer contraception because he said deer contraception is illegal according to the Ohio Administrative Code except during a scientific study.

"It is not allowed in the state of Ohio,
so that will not be a topic of discussion at future meetings," Russo said.
"Anyone who chooses to go down that path will be asked to sit down."

But the other members of the committee, councilmen Ed Kraus and Rick Bell, said they believe residents should have the opportunity to speak freely during a public forummore

Unadoptable dogs to be euthanized through lethal injection

ELYRIA — Lorain County commissioners Ted Kalo and Lori Kokoski voted yesterday to eliminate the use of a gas chamber at the Lorain County Dog Kennel and will instead euthanize unadoptable dogs by lethal injection, which animal activists said is more humane…

Commissioners also approved a plan to spay and neuter the animals before they are adopted, which will decrease the general pet population and traffic into the kennel. Currently, individuals who adopt the dogs are given a voucher to take the animal to an approved veterinarian, however, only roughly 20 percent of those are redeemed, according to Kokoskimore